What is Ringgit Cost Average?
In ringgit cost averaging, an investor will invest a certain amount of money in an investment at regular intervals. For example, an investor might choose to purchase Rm1,000 of a mutual fund every month. When the mutual fund has a high price, that ringgit amount will purchase less. However, when the price falls, the same ringgit amount will purchase more. This investing technique protects the investor from the possibility that the share price will drop after making a stock purchase.

This investment technique is different than other methods, in which investors might try to guess when market prices will be low and try to invest at the right moment. Instead, ringgit cost averaging ensures that investors are purchasing at regular intervals and are able to take advantage of market slumps by automatically buying more of an investment for the same amount of money. Dollar cost averaging takes some of the guesswork out of investing.
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